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About Matthew John

Matthew John - Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer
Matthew John - Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer

Matthew John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Trance Channeler, Intuitive Astrologer, Starseed GuideEnergy HealerMedical Intuitive, Speaker & Spiritual Life Coach/Mentor working with angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Galactics.


He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler, trance channel, and a transmitter of healing frequencies.


Matthew has been on a 15-year Awakening journey. His powerful and effective teachings and healings are a product of many intense Awakening experiences, deeply human ordeals and tens of thousands of hours of study. He receives clear guidance from his Guides which he shares with his followers and clients from around the world. He specializes in helping others to heal their childhood and past-life traumas, reading people’s life plans from a Soul perspective, as well as serving as an activator and a mentor for Starseeds and those who are looking to accelerate their spiritual development.


As a Sirian, Blue Avian, Orion, and Andromedan Starseed, Matthew is intimately familiar with the mission of Starseeds on Earth. He guides clients and followers to connect with their Starseeded essence and to align with their specific Divine Service Work on Earth. 


Matthew is a spiritual leader for the Golden Age. He has an innate ability to see the ‘big picture’, and this is why he is so effective in assisting his clients and followers to heal, transform, and accelerate their Awakening.


Matthew resides in Western New York, U.S.A. with his Ascension dog Sebastian.








"Matthew John has keen insights into the nature of reality, making him an emerging thought leader for the new paradigm."

- Alan Steinfeld, Author, Making Contact & Host, New Realities


"Matthew John is a gifted and enthusiastic spiritual teacher who never stops exploring new terrain. I had the pleasure of doing a show with him at Conscious Life Expo and witnessed him alchemize a broad range of spiritual subjects with stunning clarity."

- Evan Nathaniel Grim, Astrologer (featured in the New York Post, Vice, and Bustle


"Matthew's experience, wisdom, sage advice, metaphysical gifts, and teaching are matched with a genuinely compassionate soul.  As a guest on my Destination Unlimited Podcast, he also showed his wonderful sense of humor, a rare and precious gift among spiritual teachers.  Matthew is a delight and I have come to regard him as soul family!"

- Victor "the Voice" Fuhrman, Host, OMTimes Radio 


"I get a chance to work with many healers and teachers, but Matthew John has truly BLOWN me away. He has an ability to see without ANY VEIL into numerous realities and metaphysical truths of our existence. He read so many layers and levels of my being with such accuracy that I was blown away. Very few people on Earth have been able to read me like Matthew has...and give me energy help to ACCELERATE my journey like this! 

- Darius M. Barazandeh, Host, You Wealth Revolution 


"I see you as an Intergalactic Peace Ambassador, Matthew. Thank you for sharing so powerfully!!"

- Michelle Anderson, Host, Awakening Code Radio 

Follow Matthew on Instagram & Tik Tok and Subscribe to Matthew AND the Higher Self Channel on YouTube for more guidance and bi-weekly astrology updates! NEW! Available on Spotify too!

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In accordance with the laws of the State of New York (United States of America), all readings are for entertainment purposes only. 


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