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Happy Sagittarius Season! The sun entered the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius at 4:57 PM New York time (19:57 GMT) on Thursday, November 21, 2024.

A new era begins! Pluto ingressed into the fixed air sign of Aquarius for the final time this cycle on Tuesday, November 19 at 4:40 PM New York time (20:40 GMT). This monumental shift occurred just days following the Super Full Moon in Taurus, which became exact on Friday, November 15 at 5:28 PM New York time (21:28 GMT).


Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that brings an energy of play, passion and spontaneity to the Zodiac. Ruled by optimistic, auspicious Jupiter, ‘The Archer’--which is a centaur--serves as a reminder that a life without spontaneity, risks, or new experiences is a boring one! Sagittarius reminds us to go after what we really want in life--unapologetically—and to not be afraid to take some risks on the way there.

Sagittarius is the sign of optimism. Sagittarius is one of the signs of the Zodiac that emphasizes freedom. The Archer prefers to roam free and untied, rather than to nest in one place like Cancer for example. One of the things to focus on over the next month is how to bring more freedom into your life.

Sagittarius is the ruler of the 9th House, the House of Philosophy. Aside from being a roamer and an adventurer, Sagittarius is also the great philosopher of the Zodiac! During Sagittarius Season, we naturally feel inclined to read books, learn new things, and engage in philosophical discussions. In general, Sagittarius is associated with emotions, adventure, travel, athletics, growth, international affairs, eccentric things and philosophy.


Pluto, the outermost and most powerful planet in astrology, defines epochs. We have now officially exited the Pluto in Capricorn era, which encompassed the years of 2008 through 2024. During this period, we saw an explosive growth in the capitalistic world, with the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) nearly doubling, alongside a population explosion of nearly 1.5 billion.

Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, represents the old patriarchal hypercapitalistic oligarchy—as it represents a top-down hierarchy. The Pluto in Capricorn era began with the Great Recession of 2008, an event which initiated an unprecedented siphoning of wealth from the lower classes to the uppers. During Pluto in Capricorn we have seen essentially the destruction of the middle class.

Pluto has now entered into optimistic, collective-oriented Aquarius, where it will lie through 2044. This monumental 20 year cycle that just began will fundamentally shift humanity as we have known it. It will be akin to the biblical Fall of Babylon—as we will see all of the old patriarchal capitalistic structures as we have known them crumble to make way for the early beginnings of the New Earth structures that will populate, providing the infrastructure for the coming prophesied Golden Age.

Pluto in Aquarius is a totally different type of energy. Aquarius—which is the fixed air sign—is by nature egalitarian. It could be said that it is the glue that holds the rest of the Zodiac Wheel together. As the 11th sign, it exemplifies the numerologically significant master number of 11, which is the Ascension number (any series of 1s brings forth the Ascension energies).

Aquarius—ruled by Uranus, the ruler of innovation--rules over technology—especially the Internet and Artificial Intelligence. Over the next two decades, we will see technological evolution reach a parabolic pace.

Life in the cities in the Western word will soon look very different than it does now (think drones, emissionless driverless vehicles, hovercrafts, holographic 3D advertisements, iris reading cameras). We will likely begin the transition to cleaner fusion energy. A large portion of the population will choose to get a microchip embedded into their skin to take advantage of purported convenience benefits.

Interacting with AI when on your computer or phone will become a normal part of everyday life (it already is, isn’t I?) Artificial universes (like the Metaverse) will be incredibly prevalent, and attract the attention of most in the more developed countries—especially the youth (social media’s endless feeds were the first iteration of this).

I mentioned that Aquarius rules over the Internet. Aquarius is inherently without boundaries (which is why the dark side of the Aquarian experience can be martyrdom or victimhood). If you think you have no privacy online now (which you’re right), it will only get worse. And if you think censorship is bad now—that will get much worse, too.

In one sense, rapidly emerging novel technologies will be leveling us as a planet up to match with some of the technologies that are common on other planets in our galaxy—and make life more convenient than ever before. We will finally move beyond fossil fuels and into all-electric. Eventually, hydrogen fusion will power our grids as a segue into scalar energy powering all.

However, many on the planet will lose their connection with the natural world and their natural nature more and more, especially when microchips (the ‘Mark of the Beast’) come into play. Also, as the majority of the population capitulates to an AI-driven everyday life, many people will lose touch with what we’ve known as being human, as we let the machines do so many tasks for us that we used to take for granted (like cooking our meals or doing our dishes).

Robots will replace humans at many food and retail establishments. More people than ever will shift to working along with AI, in both its development and application. As the world’s population continues to boom, unemployment will likely hit all-time highs, as robots take over formerly human jobs. Calls will become louder for some sort of Universal Basic Income in more and more countries.

Aquarius’s ruler Uranus is the planet of freedom and revolution—so, despite the outlook of a technologically-advanced surveillance state, general rebellions will become more and more prevalent as the people at large demand access to more resources.

New modalities of art—especially art that takes advantage of technology—will enter into the cultural sphere, as Uranus expresses his creativity through Pluto in Aquarius.

As we progress deeper into the Pluto in Aquarius age, we will become more cohesive as one human race. We will eventually see borders more or less dissolve, and the way that we are governed shift more to local councils that are truly democratic (not just appearing democratic).

Aquarius in an air sign. Another way that we will be looking to the air, is that we will likely see more novel man-made pandemics debilitating the population and potentially causing mass casualties—likely way worse than COVID.

We should also be looking to the skies over the next twenty years! I do believe that over the next twenty years, Earth will truly become a member of the galactic community.

Starting in 2025, UFO activity is likely to really ramp up, as our extraterrestrial friends continue to acclimate us in preparation for true Disclosure and true First Contact (meaning a widespread, public meeting with ETs).

We will see revolutions around the planet as people band together to demand more. We will see governments start to redistribute resources to the masses, beginning with Universal Basic Incomes.

So the fascinating dichotomy of the Pluto in Aquarius era, as I see it, is that we are both headed toward a utopia and a dystopia all in one.

Pluto in Aquarius is not the planetary Age of Aquarius itself, but it is the final doorway into the Age of Aquarius (I believe it begins around 2043). Over the next twenty years, all the structures of control and manipulation will erode, and eventually break down and transform (Pluto does this) in order to make room for the true planetary experience of the Aquarian Age (and the galactic membership that comes along with that).

Around the time the true planetary Age of Aquarius begins, Pluto will enter Pisces, bringing us several decades of a great flowering of art and culture—with our ET friends by our side (ahhh, sounds wonderful!)


Happy SuperMoon in Taurus! This Super Full Moon at 24 degrees of Taurus became exact on Friday, November 15 at 4:28 PM New York time (20:28 GMT).

Taurus is a fixed earth sign that is represented by the glyph of a bull’s head. Fixed signs fall in the middle of a season and are stable, reliable and stubborn. Earth signs rule over nature, material things and money. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which is concerned with romance, aesthetics, and all things material. Taurus is the ruler of the 2nd House in astrology, the House of Possessions. This house is concerned with money and material goods.

Taurus is the ruler of the physical world, while its polar opposite Scorpio (where the sun was on this Full Moon) is the ruler of the spiritual world. This powerful astronomical and astrological event is challenging us (and giving us the opportunity to) balance the physical and spiritual worlds.

For many souls, the invitation now is to open up to the spiritual realm in a deeper way than ever before. For others, the challenge is to ground more fully into the physical world (and often this involves facing real-world problems).

This Full Moon conjuncted Uranus—the planet of surprises and revolution. We can expect the unexpected over the next few weeks! Uranus is in charge of both fun and not-so-fun surprises.

With this amplified Uranus energy, in the United States both Democrats and Republicans are feeling an intense, revolutionary-type energy—the former regrouping and figuring how they will resist; the latter aggressively putting the pieces in place to implement their agenda.

Taurus rules over the environment; and once again, our attention turns to the Earth and its creatures. Over the next three weeks, we will feel a call to connect with and look after nature.

It’s important to remember that nature is our nature. Our physical body is built upon the elements of the natural world—and whether we want to think of it or not, some day it will return to the natural earth (and that’s such a Scorpionic statement that I just made, as Scorpio rules over death).

With Taurus’s influence, we are interested in fashion and aesthetics now. It’s a great time to focus on updating and refining your wardrobe. Art (and the materialistic side of it) also tales center stage—case in point, a banana duct taped to a wall sold at Sotheby’s auction for $6.2 million USD this week!

Taurus rules over finances and economies. The stock market and crypto markets have gone nearly parabolic in euphoria seemingly over the election results. We should expect more gains over the next week at least, on the heels of this Taurus SuperMoon. Let’s discuss Taurus-ruled money a bit more now.


Not to bring in any further unfortunate news, but I do believe that we are on the verge of a major worldwide economic recession next year.

However, although economic conditions could soon worsen, it is important to remember that the Law of Attraction is not by any means suspended during this time. There are people getting richer than ever—some through Aquarian means, and some through more selfish means.

Taurus is associated with the earthly and the material, including money, clothing, beauty, music and sports. Money can be a taboo topic in the spiritual community, but it doesn't need to be. Some people still are hanging on to the idea that in order to be enlightened one must let go of all material possessions—or at the very least be poor. This is an outdated idea left over from the Age of Pisces, when the extremely dualistic economic system thrived.

In the Age of Aquarius, it is all about equality--including economic equality. It is inevitable, due to the astrological and astronomical influences on this planet, that the current economic system will undergo a great shift and the canyon of wealth between the rich minority and the poor majority will be transmuted into a system that supports everyone having more than enough.

Money is not the root of all evil. Money is simply numbers on a computer screen, pieces of paper and pieces of metal. The evil part of the current economic system is the power structure behind it. The money itself is simply a tool to enforce and perpetuate that power structure, but is not the root of the problem. Money is neutral. It is a tool for consciousnesses to interact with one another in a physical realm and has neither a positive nor negative charge.

Money is unlimited, which is clearly proven by the fact that the Federal Reserve in the United States prints exorbitant amount of paper bills at will, which are backed by nothing. Yes, I know this causes inflation. But can you still use the pieces of paper in your wallet and the numbers in your bank account to buy stuff? Money is inherently unlimited, because Abundance is inherently unlimited.

What is your relationship with money?

You still have the power to manifest everything you need to survive and much more by using the power of your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions. It's crucial to examine your beliefs around money, especially if it's been a struggle for you.

There is a whole spectrum on which people can fall into different categories based on the nature of their dysfunctional relationships with money. Some people are stuck in poverty consciousness and believe that money is evil and because of the system they will never have enough to thrive.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are people who are in reality very wealthy and yet they are everlastingly on an obsessive, harried chase to acquire more money based on a subconscious (or even conscious) fear that they still don't have enough yet to feel safe.

In between these two extremes we find a middle road of a healthy relationship with money. On this middle road, money is neither a source of stress nor greed. As a Lightworker, your Service Work may be very much tied into your financial health—especially if you have a lot of Second House action in your natal chart and/or are a Taurus North Node.

As you step more fully and committedly into your Service Work—whether that is tied in with your career or not—you will energetically align yourself with the vibration of Abundance. The essence of Service Work is giving back. You are giving back to yourself, to your family, to others, and to the world.

Giving back puts you into the vibration of Abundance, because when you are giving back, you are affirming that you have enough to allow yourself to give back (whether it be your time, money, effort, or all three).

So as you activate your Service Work, you will naturally activate your Maximum Abundance (and you get to choose what your Maximum Abundance looks like).

It's a good time right now to harness the energies of this SuperMoon and come up with a clear picture of what you'd like your Maximum Abundance to look and feel like. Here are some questions you can ask yourself and journal on:

  • How much money would I ultimately like to earn (or a better word: create) per year?

  • What kind of home would I ultimately like to live in?

  • What kind of environment would I ultimately like to live in?

  • What kind of intimate partnership(s) would I ultimately like to have?

  • What kind of circle of friends would I ultimately like to have?

  • What kind of day-to-day lifestyle/schedule would I ultimately like to have?

  • Which other possessions or luxuries would I ultimately like to have?

  • What kind of fashion or style would I ultimately like to have?

  • What kind of health and vitality would I ultimately like to have?

There are no right or wrong answers here. One person may desire to earn $5 million per year, own several mansions around the world, have a large group of wealthy and active friends, and work 6 days a week for 12 hours a day with a few weeks off per year. Another may prefer to earn $15,000 a year, live in a tiny home off-grid, grow his or her own food, have abundant free time, and have few friends and few possessions.

The truth is is that neither lifestyle is more or less spiritual than the other. There are no absolutes in this game. You can Ascend as a solitary monk with few possessions or as a wealthy businessperson. It is a matter of personal choice and which type of lifestyle would be more aligned with your Life Plan.

The soul situates your life circumstances based on what it knows would be the ideal set of conditions that will be most likely to give you the greatest opportunity to negotiate the lessons you need to move through in this lifetime, in order to balance your energy field and move into the next stage of your evolution.

So, if growing up in poverty is going to give you the best opportunity to move through your specific lessons, that's exactly what will happen; if growing up wealthy will give you the best opportunity to move through your specific lessons, then that will be what happens.

Neither situation is more or less spiritual than the other, and regardless of how you were raised, once you access and integrate the teachings of the Law of Attraction you are able to shift into wealth, if you so desire.

You do have Free Will. Once you're here and in a body, you get to choose the life you want to live. Perhaps you intuitively feel that a life of excessive riches would be a distraction from the lessons you came here to work on; or likewise, perhaps you feel deep down that building a life of financial wealth will help you to accomplish what you came here to accomplish.

Every person is different, and there are absolutely no rights or wrongs here. Anyone that tells you that a rich life is less spiritual than a poor life or vice versa is missing the point of life.

Perhaps reading these words feels freeing to you. You have the Free Will to choose what your Maximum Abundance looks and feels like. Below I have listed some beliefs that will support you having a healthy relationship with money.

Feel free to use some or all of these as daily affirmations:

  • Money is not evil; it's just a mechanism we use to interact with one other.

  • Money is unlimited

  • I deserve to have enough money in order to thrive

  • I do not apologize or feel guilty for having enough to thrive--because money is unlimited.

  • I can choose to give as much or as little away to others who are in need of more money

  • I get to decide how much money is enough for me

  • Money will never make me feel truly safe. I get to decide whether I am truly safe or not.

  • I hereby activate my 100% Maximum Abundance for this lifetime

  • I AM financially free!

  • I am worthy of wealth

If you’d like to really dive deeply into the topic of Abundance as a Lightworker and really release deep-seated subconscious and ancestral beliefs that are limiting your financial opportunities, then e-mail me at for a copy of my Clearing Your Inner Blocks to Activate Your Maximum Financial Abundance webinar.


The North Node in fiery Aries squared Venus on this SuperMoon, bringing romantic relationships into focus. Now and over the next 28 days we are having to seriously consider how romantic partnership fits into our future.

Ask yourself whether your current partner(s) are supportive of your spiritual evolution, or detrimental to it? This is the most direct way to discern whether it is a good idea for you to continue walking the path with a current partner—or if it is time to go in a different direction.

Strife in romantic partnerships is likely at this time—especially around shared (or not-so-shared) goals and ambitions.

If deep down you want things to work out with one another no matter what, then you’ll find ways through the strife and differing goals no matter what; if deep down you two (or one of you) don’t want to continue the ride together, then the stuff that comes up will serve to continue to separate you energetically. Your souls know what’s happening.

With the North Node trining Mars in Leo on this SuperMoon, we are given a wonderful opportunity to step into expressing the highest possibility of our personalities!

You may not realize this, but the soul itself has a personality. Yes, that’s right! And one of the most direct ways to describe what the Ascension process actually is, is as a transition process from embodying the person’s personality to embodying the soul’s personality.

As you ascend vibrationally, you are shedding layers of density that you have carried with you in your energy field throughout many lifetimes. As you shed these layers, you make room for more and more of your true essence (your soul!) to shine through your vessel.

You begin to more and more see through the eyes of your soul in every day life, and it is a wonderful experience! Now and over the next few weeks, it is a wonderful time to express yourself in the most authentic ways. Make the jokes you like to make, dress the way you want to dress—and be your goofy, lovable self!

This is also a tremendous portal to launch new projects, events and businesses. Making them aesthetically pleasing to the senses, and bringing attention to them in a fun way, will make them successful.

Wishing you a Happy Sagittarius Season, a Happy Pluto Entering Aquarius, and a Happy SuperMoon in Taurus!

With Love,

Matthew John


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