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Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Happy Full Moon in Libra! This Full Moon at 16 degrees of Libra becomes exact at 12:34 AM New York time (04:34 GMT) on Thursday, April 6, 2023.

This Libra Full Moon is the final Full Moon before the beginning of the first Eclipse Season of 2023, which also will coincide with a Mercury Retrograde period. The moon opposes Jupiter in Aries (which joins with the sun, with a four degree orb), making this an auspicious Full Moon if we take advantage of opportunities the Universe provides us, and don’t get greedy!

The next 28 days (and especially the next two weeks) will be a great time to go after the things you have been really wanting. We are nearing the end of this lucky three-month time window when all planets are in Direct motion; and with the sun in aggressive Aries conjunct Jupiter right now and Mars sextiling the North Node, the next two weeks are kind of your last chance for a while to really kickstart your dreams and desires into motion without much interference from the planets.

However, with the moon opposing Jupiter, just don’t reach your hand into the cookie jar unnecessarily! As long as you don’t let greed take you over, your manifestation efforts over the next two weeks should work out just fine.

The moon forms a difficult quincunx (150 degree aspect) with the trickster Uranus in Taurus—so take extra care driving, walking, hiking, etc. to avoid accidents. Also, it’s important to keep in mind that the trope of Libra is about balance and harmony—so take care to not let any surprising happenstances or news (both of which would fall under the domain of Uranus) throw you off course.

As we will discuss in this article, maintaining harmony and balance within oneself is of paramount importance on the Spiritual Awakening/Ascension journey—and especially during these uncertain times that we find ourselves in.

Mercury (in grounded, sometimes stubborn Taurus) is activated in this Full Moon chart, as it forms several important aspects. It aligns with the North Node and sextiles Mars in Gemini, giving us a boost of energy to courageously use our voice and networking opportunities to move toward our goals; and encouraging us to speak (and write) with passion.

Mercury also sextiles Saturn (in Aquarius), giving us the opportunity to bridge differences with others, and to make sound long-term plans. Mercury does square the exalted Pluto, though—which has just entered Aquarius (read my last astrology article for more on that).

Libra is a cardinal air sign that is represented by the glyph of scales, demonstrating the need for balance and harmony as one of the irreplaceable parts of a healthy life. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and relationships. Libra very much has to do with relationships—including romantic and familial—and diplomacy, fairness and balance. It is the ruler of the 7th House--the House of Partnerships—which governs relationships and partnerships, as you might guess.

With Venus being at home in Taurus (the other sign that it rules) and trining the exalted Pluto on this Full Moon, it is a great time to harmonize relationships (not just romantic; but also family, friends, coworkers, etc.). It is a time when power struggles in relationships could be healed and alchemized into something more harmonious.

Setting aside your ego may be the best way to bring more peace, harmony, and resolution to relationships, as Libra is the sign of harmony (opposite Aries, the sign of independence). With Venus sextiling Neptune in Pisces, play and imagination can help fix and harmonize struggling relationships.

With the minor planet Chiron (known as ‘the Wounded Healer’) conjunct the sun and opposite the moon, this is a time to heal inner wounds through the context of relationships, and vice versa. Rather than avoiding feeling your inner wounds, let them be felt—and try to understand how they relate to your relationships, especially the seemingly broken or difficult ones.

This may be the time to ‘take one for the team’ and bite your tongue or set aside your needs temporarily in order to endeavor to work with someone as a unit. Instead of digging in your heels, dig them out of the mud and reach your hand out to encourage peace with someone in your life. (Note: this advice is intended to apply to only those relationships that are meant to carry forward; do not let this advice give you permission to allow yourself to be abused or manipulated in any way).

Likely all of the relationships that you end up attempting to harmonize or heal are karmic relationships, rooted in past-life experiences. I’ll spend some time later in this article discussing familial relationship dynamics from a soul level—very much a Libra topic.


As I already alluded to, this Libra Full Moon also reminds us of the essential need in life to balance everything--including balance between the feminine and masculine energies (the yin and the yang); the inner and outer experiences of life; as well as the right and left brain hemispheres.

Ask yourself how balance fits into your life at the current moment and what you need to do to become more balanced in all ways. Ask yourself or, better yet, journal on these questions:

  • In what areas of my life am I underfocused? What do I need more of?

  • In what areas of my life am I overfocused? What do I need less of?

  • In what ways do I need to express more Divine Masculine energy (e.g. logic, grounding, pragmatism, physical exertion) in my life?

  • In what ways do I need to express more Divine Feminine energy (e.g. creativity, softness, intuition, artistic expression, 'go-with-the-flow attitude') in my life?

  • What aspects of the Shadow Masculine do I need to release from my expression of life (e.g. trying to control too much; stubbornness; suppressing/numbing emotions; being overreactive/having angry outbursts)?

  • What aspects of the Shadow Feminine do I need to release from my expression of life (e.g. codependency; martyrdom; being 'lost in the clouds'; fears of being seen/heard)?

  • In which moments of my life do I feel the most balanced and centered? What activities or rituals bring me into balance and centeredness? How could I apply that feeling of balance and centeredness to the other aspects of my life that tend to feel more off-kilter?

  • Which aspects of my 'outer' reality need more tender loving care at this time? What parts of my ‘outer’ garden need watering?

  • Which aspects of my inner world need more tender loving care at this time? What parts of my ‘inner’ garden need watering?

  • What moves/decisions would the most balanced version of myself make over the next few months?

Let’s transition to discussing some of the more difficult aspects of the abundant Libra energy present at this time, like codependency vs. independence; digging up deep wounds; and soul-level family dynamics. CODEPENDENCY VS. INDEPENDENCE With the Libra moon opposing the sun in Aries, we see an interaction between the polarities of codependency and independence. Though the higher aspect of Libra is balance and harmony, one of the lower (or Shadow) aspects is codependency. In fact, those people with a lot of Libra in their natal charts, or with Libra as their South Lunar Node, may tend to fall into patterns of codependency and have trouble asserting themselves. Aries, on the other hand, is the most fiercely independent sign in the Zodiac. Aries is a leader, while Libra is usually more of a follower, as Libra’s focus is on harmony within a partnership. Here are some good questions to ponder or journal on to help you understand your relationship with the theme of codependency:

  • In what ways do I tend to be unhealthily codependent with others?

  • Is there a part of me that feels incapable? What does that part of me feel incapable of?

  • In what ways do I knowI need to become more independent?

  • In what ways am I stubborn? What might allowing a little bit more help from others do for me?

  • Who am I if I no longer have anything to prove to the world?

SOUL-LEVEL FAMILY DYNAMICS/RESOLVING RELATIONSHIPS With the sun conjunct Chiron in Aries (opposite the moon), we have a wonderful opportunity over the next 28 days (and especially over the next two weeks) to revisit inner wounds through the context of relationships. Wounds may especially come up around the masculine energies, or in regards to men or masculine people. Let’s take some time to discuss the Life Plan and how relationship dynamics play out on a soul level. Have you already heard of a thing called the Life Plan? Have you heard that you choose your parents, siblings, place of birth, and even your future partners before you are born? This is all completely true! Before you come into the body, you are the soul. As the soul, you work with Spirit Guides, angels, Ascended Masters, and other souls to intricately create your Life Plan. Where you are born, the parents you are born to, the gists of your relationships with those parents and any siblings, and your romantic partners are just a few of the things that are planned out pre-birth. The intention of the Life Plan is to create the necessary situations that will give you the opportunity to negotiate the lessons that your soul desires for you to work through. As you complete (or partially complete) each lesson, that experience gained contributes to the evolution of your soul and contributes to balancing/expanding your toroidal field. The particular lessons your soul chooses to partake in in a given lifetime are directly related to karma accumulated by the soul in previous lifetimes. Negative karmic experiences create imbalances/deficiencies in the toroidal field that need to be balanced in that or another lifetime. The soul almost always wishes to directly experience the positive and negative aspects of all possible themes experienced. Sometimes this will create negative karma--and like a boomerang, the opportunity to balance that karma will come to you in a different lifetime, providing the opportunity for healing, balance, gain of wisdom, and eventually to teach or model that wisdom to others in some way. On top of general karma from past lives that the soul wishes to balance in a particular lifetime, there is also specific karma that exists between particular souls. For example, you and your mother may have incarnated together many times, perhaps being sisters in one lifetime; friends in another; and husband and wife in yet another. To create a general example here for teaching purposes, let's say that there is a lot of karma carried over from the most recent incarnation where you and your mother incarnated together indies different bodies. Let's say that in the most recent lifetime with your mother you actually played the role of husband and wife. Perhaps the character your soul was playing had left the character your mother's soul was playing and ran off with another woman. Perhaps your mother's soul's character felt betrayed. In this example, the memories of that relationship from that most recent lifetime would be stored in the backs of your chakras in this lifetime (all memories from other lifetimes are stored in the backs of your chakras). Due to this karmic memory, perhaps in this lifetime your mom would be overbearing and overprotective of you because she would have a deep-seated fear of you betraying her. Perhaps she would get jealous of your partners. Perhaps she would act passive-aggressively or even manifest illnesses to see if you truly loved her and cared about her or if you would leave her like you did in the last lifetime. This is just one general example of karma that could be carried over from another lifetime and play out between souls; the possibilities are endless when it comes to situations that may be played out between souls in other lifetimes that get karmically carried over into the current lifetime. One of my favorite parts of the work that I do is seeing what happened in past lives between souls and getting a sense of what's in the Soul Contract. I do this in my Soul Plan Readings. You will know when there is significant past-life karma between yourself and a family member when you often have irrational emotional reactions to things that shouldn't logically cause such reactions (or they have those irrational reactions). You might intuitively feel that there is a deeper issue with a particular family member than just what has happened in this lifetime. Oftentimes there is significant past-life karma with those family members with whom we have had the most difficult relationships in this lifetime. (And ironically enough, those family members with whom we have had the most difficult relationships in this lifetime are often the souls that we are closest to in the astral plan—likely a part of our Soul Group of twelve or our Monadic Group of 144 souls.) The natural evolution of all relationships is toward resolution, whether it seems like it or not. Each soul desires not only to balance its 'personal' accumulated karma, but also the specific karma it carries with another soul. This karma can be worked out in the afterlife or other lifetimes if need be, but there is often the possibility for some sort of resolution to occur in the current lifetime. So even for those really difficult family relationships that seem like it will be impossible to resolve the relationship in this lifetime, there still is a chance that the opportunity will arrive in the future for some resolution to occur. Sometimes, it requires one of the persons involved going through a 'Dark Night of the Soul' for there to be a strong enough desire to change the relationship and to make amends. In other situations, there may not be resolution until one or both of the people involved are nearing the ends of their earthly incarnations. And sometimes, there just isn't any resolution that occurs while in the physical, and the resolution needs to be worked in the afterlife and/or other lifetimes. Each relationship is entirely unique, and thus there isn't any one-size-fits-all approach that will heal every relationship. Sometimes, giving someone the benefit of the doubt and being willing to forgive and let go of what happened in the past leads to a renewed relationship that is supportive to both parties. Sometimes, however, a relationship isn't ready to move into a healthier stage of its evolution, and the best option for the well-being of both parties is for the relationship to at least temporarily end—and this includes family relationships. Sometimes, it will take years of silence between parties before the resolution can occur. Sometimes, a bit of separation is all a relationship needs to rebalance itself. You might argue constantly with your mom while you live with her, but when your job takes you out-of-state and you see her only once a year, all of a sudden you both might realize that your time together is precious and you both naturally let go of grievances against one another. We learn most from the most difficult relationships. Those family members, partners, ex-partners, friends, bosses and co-workers that trigger us the most are inevitably helping us to negotiate our pre-planned Life Lessons. In the highest sense, these people playing frustrating roles in our lives are truly serving us. These most difficult relationships are giving you an opportunity to grow spiritually and to do exactly what you had planned to do before you put on your 'bodysuit' as a human being. The most difficult part often is figuring out what you are meant to learn. Sometimes a relationship is trying to teach you how to respect yourself; sometimes it is trying to teach you how to let go; sometimes it is trying to teach you how to become your truest self; and sometimes it is trying to teach you how to be vulnerable. Here are some questions to consider when ruminating on your familial relationships (or any troubling/frustrating relationships) and how you can best navigate them. Journaling on these questions may give you valuable insight:

  • Ideally, what would I like to experience from the relationship with this person?

  • If I had to guess, what does the other person want to experience out of the relationship with me?

  • What irritates or frustrates me most about this person?

  • Do I tend to do the same thing that that person does that annoys me, but in a smaller dose or in a different way? If so, could I acknowledge that fact and make that part of me that does that feel a little bit more welcome?

  • What are the aspects of this person that I find the most palatable or endearing?

  • If I were to truly honor myself, is there something I would tell this person, even if it were to be uncomfortable or difficult? Does it feel like it needs to be said, or not? What would be the kindest and most authentic way of saying it?

  • Does this person remind me of anyone else from my past? Am I truly seeing this person as they are or am I projecting someone from my past onto them?

  • How might it shift my relationship with this person if I were to consciously make an effort to appreciate their positive qualities more? (Note: this doesn't mean it's OK to stay in any sort of abusive relationship).

  • How might loving myself a bit more, and appreciating my own positive qualities more, lead to a better relationship with this person?

  • Might some distance between myself and this person improve our relationship?

  • Do I want this relationship in my life at all? If not, do I feel like I have the right to not have this person in my life? (If it is a family member, an ex-partner where there are kids involved, or a boss or co-worker, this can be a difficult question. Sometimes, it's not really possible to cut someone out of your life, and maintaining as much physical and emotional distance as is reasonable, while increasing tolerance and understanding, could be the answer.)

  • If I had to guess, what would be the highest possibility for this relationship in this lifetime?

  • If I had to guess, what sort of wisdom am I meant to be learning from this relationship? In what ways have I already begun to apply that wisdom?

  • How would letting go of trying to control the relationship just a bit improve the way that I feel about the relationship? Would it bring me more peace?

FULL MOON RELEASING RITUAL I would definitely recommend harnessing this Libra Full Moon energy to do a releasing ceremony. My favorite ritual for this is to make a campfire on the Full Moon (if you are lucky enough to be somewhere relatively warm!) and write down everything you'd like to release on separate slips of paper. As you toss each slip of paper into the fire, speak your intention and visualize releasing that thing. You can release situations, people, places, things, perspectives, beliefs, addictions, bad habits, negative thought patterns, etc. With this being the final Full Moon before Eclipse Season, this is a great time to do it.

Wishing you a happy, lucky, and harmonious Full Moon in Libra!

With Love,

Matthew John

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